Cloud, Chaos & Contagion Lab

members & alums

See also, Undergraduate Research Topics


Sungju Moon, PhD
Image alt (CV) Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Nevada State University. My research interests include applications of nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory in the context of atmospheric research and epidemiological modeling. (…more about me)

Student Researchers

Mary Giles
Image alt Mary is an undergraduate student in mathematics at Nevada State University. Mary has a passion for baking, music, fashion, and of course math! Favorite courses she has taken include Discrete Mathematics, Differential Equations, Number Theory, and History of Mathematics. Mary is currently participating in the INBRE: iSURF-Flex undergraduate research program. Her project aims to build a new agent-based model for emergence of new diseases or variants and test the model through “note-passing” experiments.
Nigel Sherfield
Image alt Nigel is majoring in Secondary Education with a concentration in Mathematics at Nevada State University. He enjoys teaching himself how to play instruments, staying physically active, and learning new math techniques. Nigel’s ultimate goal is to open his own educational institution! In Summer 2024, Nigel was accepted into Nevada State’s TRIO-McNair Scholars Program. Nigel will be working on a chaos theory project, focusing on dynamical models and its applications in educational research.
Rose Reasons
Image alt Hi! My name is Rose Reasons. I’m a senior at Nevada State University pursuing a BS in Mathematics and hoping to eventually enter a PhD program. I also have some background in the field of education. In my free time, I enjoy working out and playing video games. Rose is currently participating in the INBRE: iSURF-Flex undergraduate research program. Her project seeks to explore the effects of having different types of contact networks in agent-based disease models.
Ryllie Pate
Image alt I am a junior at Nevada State University studying Mathematics. I am not originally from Nevada—I moved here in 2017, and I really love cats. More importantly, I am currently participating in the INBRE: iSURF-Flex undergraduate research program. I am specifically focused on parameter spaces and using the classification of variant types in order to look closer at the way diseases evolve.


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